Academic Programs
Student Learning Outcomes
200 Level Courses
Career Connections (U210)
Students who complete a University College Career Connections Course should:
- Identify their career-related interests, personality preferences, values, and skills based on self-assessment exercises.
- Identify several academic and career options that are compatible with their self assessment information.
- Locate and utilize information resources and people to research and explore academic majors and career paths.
- Evaluate the suitability of several major and career options based on an integration of self-assessment and researched major/career information.
- Develop and implement a specific plan of action for subsequent semesters to assist them in confirming their tentative choice(s) of majors/careers.
Mentor Development Courses
Outdoor Leadership Experience (U200)
Students who complete a University College Outdoor Leadership course should:
- Describe their leadership development process and goals for the future.
- Apply relational leadership skills in leadership experiences.
- Identify factors and behaviors that influence group development.
- Demonstrate effective communication skills for working in group.
- Analyze through writing self reflections your strengths and limitations of group role.
- Apply experiential learning skills to practical and everyday references.
Introduction to Mentoring Techniques (U201)
Students who complete a University College Introduction to Mentoring Techniques course should:
- Explain your role, responsibility, and contribution to the campus community.
- Explain understand traits, functions, and activities associated with mentoring.
- Demonstrate how to access campus resources to support student success at IUPUI.
- Apply active listening skills and communication principles when working with students in their mentoring program.
- Identify characteristics of diversity within the semester about our student community to promote an inclusive learning experience.
- Recognize two positive tactics to maintain life balance in order to stay motivated for yourself and your students.
Active and Collaborative Learning in Groups (U202)
Students who complete a University College an Active and Collaborative Learning in Groups course should:
- Summarize the collaborative learning process and its role in the mentoring experience.
- Implement developmental and holistic approaches for student learning and academic success.
- Apply positive relationship and communication skills to individual and group mentoring experiences.
- Differentiate the stages of group and individual mentoring techniques and strategies.
- Implement collaborative and assessment guided approaches to mentoring activities.
Leadership and Transition (U203)
Students who complete a University College a Leadership and Transition course should:
- Identify relational leadership principles through readings, class discussions, and self reflection.
- Describe the role of relational leadership.
- Compare and contrast relational leadership with other leadership theories.
- Apply relational leadership principles by characterizing the unique traits of themselves and their group members.
- Summarize the values, qualities, and skills necessary to being a relational leader through small group discussions.
- Analysis through writing your self-awareness of your mentoring skills, competencies, and leadership philosophy.
- Construct a leadership action plan by synthesizing the information gained from class readings and inventories completed.
Independent Study (U204)
Students who complete a University College a Independent Study course should:
- Generate a researchable question to address a mentoring issue.
- Conduct a competent literature search for empirically based articles.
- Apply quantitative and/or qualitative research methods to a question or problem.
- Interpret results of data collected.
- Synthesize the data and implications of your results as it applies to your question/problem.
- Demonstrate the ability to clearly communicate and illustrate, both orally and in writing, the findings of original research on mentoring.
- Summarize your individual mentoring experience within the larger mentoring context.